APGNS encourages all of our members to consider becoming involved in helping to guide the affairs of the Association by volunteering to serve on Council.

The APGNS Nominating Committee will be led by the past-President. Nominees should be aware of the commitment of professional time that is required for service on Council. Meetings are normally scheduled for a weekday morning or afternoon, they are normally 2 hours in duration, and members should anticipate approximately 2 hours preparation time to review materials etc., and approximately 2 hours for follow-up.

The Nominating Committee will prepare a list of nominees to be submitted at the January meeting of Council. This list will include not more than two (2) names for President, no more than two (2) names for Vice-President, and not less than three (3) and not more than six (6) names for Councilor positions. Nominees for President and for Vice-President are required to have had prior experience on Council, at least one (1) term and nominees for Councilor must have been a member for at least one (1) year. Currently serving members of Council cannot be elected to the same office in the following year.

Any three (3) members in good standing of the Association (one to nominate and two to support) can submit a nomination for any of the positions to the Nominating Committee. This must be done in writing and on the prescribed form. The form also includes statement of consent from the nominee and it must be signed and stamped. Nomination forms may be requested from the Registrar at the address below.

On receipt of the Committee report, and if required, Council will instruct the Registrar to issue an electronic ballot to each member of the Association in January of the new Council year. The ballot will close on February 15th and the results of the ballot will be announced at the Annual General Meeting in April.

Current Update: November 2022 for 2023-2024 Council Year

The 2022 Council Nominating committee will be led by Dan Parker, P.Geo. If you are interested in serving on Council, please contact the Registrar before December 15, 2022.

Click here to view/download the Nomination Form